The Bayer Fund Dance Education Residency Program
Dance St. Louis brings teaching artists from our performing companies for intensive three-week residencies each semester. The residencies reach about 200 students at middle and high schools in St. Louis City and County.
Dance theatre of harlem teaching artist theara ward.
Program Overview
The Bayer Fund Dance Education Residency Program offers school-time classes five days per week at these public schools:
• Central Visual and Performing Arts (VPA) High School
• Carr Lane VPA Middle School
• Grand Center Arts Academy
• McKinley Classical Leadership Academy
• Sumner High School
• University City High School
In the residency classes, students receive instruction in the resident company’s technique, create their own short choreography, and participate in activities that make cross-curricular connections with language arts, social studies, career development, music, and health. Each student receives a Study Guide created by Dance St. Louis in collaboration with the visiting teaching artists. The curriculum and Study Guides are aligned to state and national education standards.
Dance St. Louis uses several forms of assessment to analyze the success of the Bayer Fund Dance Education Residency Program. Written pre- and post-quizzes are used to test the students’ learning in cross-curricular areas, such as music, visual arts, social studies, and health, as well as students’ enjoyment and their attitudes towards attending and participating in the arts.
Using a rating form based on national and state dance education standards, Dance St. Louis’ Leadership Team makes an observational written assessment of each student’s dance skills and technique at the beginning and end of each residency experience to measure each student’s improvement. This procedure enables Dance St. Louis to identify individual students with the exceptional talent to be considered for the Dance Career Award Program, as well as to monitor the progress of each residency as a whole.
The Dance Education Residency Program is generously supported by Bayer Fund.
2024 Dance Career Award winners at the 16th Annual spring to dance festival 2024 at the touhill performing arts center.
amy simpson, bayer fund senior manager and program officer, presents the 2023 Dance career award winners with their awards. pictured left to right: ZaKERiaH Brown (Central Visual & Performing arts high school), MitchelL Davis (Grand center arts academy)) and Cadence Sneed (University City High School). Not pictureD: Leslie Coleman (Normandy High School) and Raven Hollis (Central Visual & Performing arts high school).
Dance Career Award Program
The winners of the Dance Career Awards are selected from hundreds of area students participating in Dance St. Louis’ Bayer Dance Education Residency Program during the fall.
The Dance Career Awards are designed to identify and honor local high school students who are exceptionally motivated and talented in dance and show potential for a professional dance career.
Recipients of the Dance Career Award are offered guidance and support towards more intensive dance training and ultimately towards careers in the dance world. Awardees are also given assistance with preparation for auditions, counseling on whether or which college to pursue, request for letters of recommendations, connections in the professional dance world and more. Dance St. Louis may also contribute financially and help seek support for award winners from dance schools, colleges and professional dance companies.
2022 DANCE Career Award Winners at the 14th annual emerson SPRING to dance Festival 2022. Photo by prophotostl.
2018 and 2019 career award winners on stage at the touhill performing arts center. photo by prophotostl.